Thursday, January 26, 2012

thursday three.

i've been super delinquent about updating my blog lately. life has just gotten in the way. and time has just been flying by. i.e. monday night i blinked and it's now practically friday. what the what?!

the "thursday three"post isn't quite as glamourous as the original "sunday six" and it's spinoff, "tuesday ten." but, it'll have to do.

1. gary go: wonderful. this song makes everything a million times more epic—like, slow motion, epic. i listened to it tonight when i went running and felt like i was in an inspirational movie. {p.s. the fact that i've been regularly running over three miles at a time should be an inspiration to anyone with an aversion to exercise.}

also, pretty sure i've blogged about this song before. it's just that amazing.

2. it was light outside when i left work today. which basically means it's almost summer. at least that's what i like to think.

{i took this fabulous snapshot out my windshield. A+ for effort, but it won't be
appearing in your local art gallery anytime soon.}
3. "a dolla' makes me holla', honey boo boo."

 tlc's toddlers & tiaras = complete train wreck. this video has been all over the internet for the past several weeks. absolutely atrocious. and when i say atrocious, i actually mean hilarious. in a sad, sad way.

the play-by-play:

{meet alana.}

{no caption necessary, here.}

{can you tell she drinks large amounts of caffeinated "go-go juice?"}

{from normal to formal?}

{mom goes from bad...}

{to worse. much worse.}

{um, good job? yikes.}
that's all, folks.