Monday, October 31, 2011

you know it's halloween when...

you order a pumpkin spice latte at your local starbucks...and receive a bonus treat.

{looks pretty normal, eh?}

{could it be a slice of lemon pound cake? or pumpkin bread?}


{it's candy corn!}

thanks starbucks barista for making my day!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

tuesday morning soundtrack: eliza doolittle.

i just noticed the majority of artists in my itunes library are of the male persuasion. why? absolutely no clue. {except i do tend to be fond of boys who can sing. & play guitar. & piano...maybe that's it?} hmmmm anywho, here is one of my current favorite songs. & it's by a talented little lady. such a fun little tune. happy tuesday!

Monday, October 24, 2011

pumpkin patch.

we love the pumpkin patch!

{lots o' pumpkins.}

{with the little sis who came home from college for our mom's birthday!}

Sunday, October 23, 2011

birthday girl.

yesterday was my dear mopsy's birthday. {28 years young.} wink wink.

{banana split & ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies.}

sunday song of the day: young the giant.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

aloha {part II.}

more pictures...
{iao needle.}

 {yet another beautiful maui sunset.}

 {only the best cookies EVER.}

 {another kihei sunset.}

{honolua bay.}

 {lipoa point.}

 {nakalele blowhole.}

 {a reminder for those with no common sense.}

{overlook somewhere along kahekili highway.}

{kahakuloa church.}

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

aloha {part I.}

this 59 degree, cloudy oregon weather has been a bit of a "struggle." the past few mornings i woke up expecting to look out the window and see palm trees and sunshine. i guess ten days in maui really spoiled me. i have been relying on plumeria candles, caramacs, & coconut EVERYTHING to slowly readjust to the beautiful, albeit chilly, pacific northwest fall. from hula cookies & swim suits to pumpkin spice lattes and sweaters...

and now for the first of many photos from my hawaiian nanny job holiday.

{kite beach.}

{local boyz shave ice. divine.}

{j being silly.}

{sunset in lahaina.}

{lahaina pier.}

{bamboo forest off the road to hana.}

{waterfall in bamboo forest. and lovely swimming spot. also got eaten alive by mosquitos here.}

{somewhere along the hana highway.}

{one of many gecko friends.}


to be continued...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

song of the day: taylor swift.

because this song has been stuck in my head for the past 10-ish it can be stuck in yours, too. :)

{busy unpacking, doing laundry, making hula cookies, & eating unhuman amounts of caramacs. more on the maui vacay soon. also the long overdue photos of my finished almost-finished powder room.}

Monday, October 17, 2011

maui sunset.

back in oregon & already missing the sunshine & surfing.

{beautiful sunset in kihei.}

Friday, October 7, 2011

gone fishin'.

false. i lied. actually, this girl is extremely lucky and will be spending the next week & a half out of town, courtesy of a fabulous nanny job. which means, not much posting on the good ol' blog. yada yada yada where am i going?

well, let's take a looks-see, why don't we?

Best Maui Hawaii Sunset Video HD: Maui, Kihei, Kamaʻole Beach from Aclara Promotions on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

stay hungry. stay foolish.

in memory of steve jobs. {1955 - 2011} dreamer, innovator, creative genius.

Monday, October 3, 2011

a week in snapshots.

{morning swim in the willamette | diy framed artwork cluster | osu football game | almost-finished powder room | country road | cooking french onion soup | ross island bridge | packing for maui}