Tuesday, August 30, 2011

how to look for a job.

  1. listen to your favorite indie band.
  2. eat chocolate.
  3. eat more chocolate.
  4. read business-type books to get in the right mindset.
  5. spend large amounts of time stalking researching interesting ad agencies and their ceos/presidents/vice presidents. thank you linkedin & google. {i'm not creepy, i promise.}
  6. realize your current rèsumè still has your previous address on it. hmmmm...subconsciously missing seattle?
  7. color code a binder filled with potential companies, cover letters, contact information. yay organization.
  8. spell check your email 25789321 times and press send.
  9. cross your fingers and say bye bye to your updated & beautiful rèsumè.
  10. eat more chocolate.
{my workstation, the floor.}