Tuesday, May 10, 2011


i think i read the book flipped by wendelin van draanen sometime during my middle school years. i distinctly remember adoring the "he said/she said" dual perspective of the book. and the likable characters and sweet storyline.

apparently this witty teen read hit the silver screen last year. but i just found out yesterday, while perusing recently released dvds. anyway, i decided that i absolutely had to see it. for old time's sake. and so i watched it last night. {after i got all, errr most of, my school work done. obviously.} i have to say, i was pleasantly surprised. it ended up being a cute film. not an academy award nominee, but a satisfyingly nostalgic and heartwarming coming of age flick. it was a refreshing change from the cookie cutter romantic comedies that hollywood churns out these days. aka boy meets girl. boy and girl fall in love. boy and girl encounter obstacle standing in the way of said love. uh oh. boy and girl overcome obstacle. boy and girl live happily ever after. the end.