sunshine, sunshine, SUNSHINE. went to the cardiologist* and was told my heart is "so pretty" and "photogenic." who knew an echocardiogram was such an ego-booster? ha. little sis came home for spring break. yippee! hard core trader joe's grocery shopping. little kid snacks and fresh produce? check! cocktails and old high school dance team videos with two of my best friends. saved by the bell marathon. sleeping in way too late...
{very blurry picture of a very yummy snack. also, probably not targeted at 20-somethings. but, what can i say? when you work as a nanny, you find yourself getting food recommendations from five-year-olds.}
{from this...} |
{to this!} |
*don't fear, friends. i'm not dying. i just happen to have a slightly leaky heart. which basically means i get an extra doctor visit thrown in every ten years or so. stellar.