Monday, January 2, 2012

2011: a year in review.

2011 was a year of beginnings and ends. hellos and goodbyes. but most importantly, lots of wonderful memories.

highlights from 2011:

{seattle u basketball. go redhawks!}

{rip city. blazer game.}

{i heart pike place.}

{make-a-wish gala. so much fun.}

{le panier. pain au chocolat. sigh.}

{visiting home for n's senior prom weekend.}

{sunshine and molly moons at cal anderson park.}

{farmers market tulips.}

{mariners baseball.}

{sisterly love.}

{senior soirèe.}

{n's high school graduation.}

{undergrad commencement at key arena.}

{i did it!}

{vegas, baby!}


{21 and out on the town.}

{4th of july baseball.}

{tarah visits oregon.}

{oregon coast.}

{girls night.}

{andrew belle concert.}


{maui sunset.}

{i learned to surf and didn't see a single shark. success.}

{halloween candy.}

{college football.}

{pumpkin patch.}
{thanksgiving weekend = christmas card photo time.}

{young the giant & the kooks with steph.}

{i like love my internship. and not just because of the fabulous view.}

{christmas eve sister pics.}

{new year's eve in seattle.}