Wednesday, October 19, 2011

aloha {part I.}

this 59 degree, cloudy oregon weather has been a bit of a "struggle." the past few mornings i woke up expecting to look out the window and see palm trees and sunshine. i guess ten days in maui really spoiled me. i have been relying on plumeria candles, caramacs, & coconut EVERYTHING to slowly readjust to the beautiful, albeit chilly, pacific northwest fall. from hula cookies & swim suits to pumpkin spice lattes and sweaters...

and now for the first of many photos from my hawaiian nanny job holiday.

{kite beach.}

{local boyz shave ice. divine.}

{j being silly.}

{sunset in lahaina.}

{lahaina pier.}

{bamboo forest off the road to hana.}

{waterfall in bamboo forest. and lovely swimming spot. also got eaten alive by mosquitos here.}

{somewhere along the hana highway.}

{one of many gecko friends.}


to be continued...