Friday, July 8, 2011

currently obsessed.

i recently watched the animated film tangled for the first time. i absolutely loved disney's twist on the vintage rapunzel folklore. ...full of humor, adventure, romance, and good ol' "disney magic," this film is for children & grownups, alike. {the soundtrack is really quite brilliant, as well.} it's funny how nostalgic disney movies make one feel. watching tangled reminded me of my childhood days. of princesses and fairy tales. castles and make-believe.

strangely enough, i was not a huge fan of disney movies as a young child. the snarling wolves in beauty and the beast terrified me. dumbo, bambi, and the lion king were kind of traumatic; anyone else notice a reoccurring theme of violence, death & orphaned animals? the evil queens in snow white and sleeping beauty were, well, too evil. which left... cinderella? {not too scary, sad, or nightmare-inducing.)

now that i'm a bit older, i've come to appreciate both the classic disney films and the contemporary ones. i've found that disney films have this amazing ability to make even a grown man cry. every disney film is full of charm, child-like wonder, and a variety of life lessons everyone can relate to. {the sometimes-snarky lines every now & then don't hurt, either.}