waking up to blue skies and sunshine. pink ballpoint pens. listening to my favorite song over and over. cooking really yummy italian food. chocolate. political debates with papa bear. coloring books and crayons. the salty smell of the ocean. splashing in mud puddles. curling up with a cup of tea and a good book. earmuffs. watching movies until i can't keep my eyes open anymore. getting my hair cut. opening up a new tube of lip balm. skyping with my far-away friends. coffee dates with mopsy. clean sheets. snow flakes and hot chocolate. the sound of paint brush bristles against canvas. eating animal crackers on the train. star gazing on a clear night. people-watching in the mall. honey mustard pretzels. swim suits and sunglasses. going to target with little sis. the smell of christmas trees. seattle at nighttime.
{hipstamatic app = another of my favorite things}