Thursday, May 31, 2012

lost in the city.

apparently i rely on my iphone for directions a lot more than i realized. no international wireless service = one hour detour around vancouver. love taking the scenic route in five-inch high heels. taxis are for wimps.
{and then we stumbled upon the olympic torch.}

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

on top of the world.

fresh mountain air. it's the best.

{oh, the view.}


{sundress & snow. ha.}

{hardcore mountain woman, can't ya tell?}

{the lumberjack show. for real.}

{"what happens if you get stuck halfway up the mountain?" "...or if the cable breaks?"}

{vancouver bc.}

Thursday, May 17, 2012

dear stacey.

on may 30, 2008 my high school senior english class and i wrote letters to ourselves, to be read four years later. our teacher collected the sealed and pre-addressed envelopes and promised to mail them to us upon our college graduation.

almost exactly four years later...

{the mysterious envelope...}

{and its contents.}
my letter arrived! so hilarious to read the notes my classmates wrote to me. and even more entertaining to read the note i wrote to myself, excerpt below:

things i hope i've done
(this is a list because i love lists!!)

1. travelled/studied abroad in europe?
2. gotten a job that actually pays a salary (maybe nordstrom?)
3. gotten good grades
4. learned to not be so afraid of heights
5. done something i wouldn't normally do

well, i still love lists. despite the fact i never studied abroad, i plan on living in italy someday. i have a grown-up job, though not in fashion as i once assumed would be the case. i received good grades while at university. i'm still afraid of heights. and i've done lots of things i wouldn't normally do. also, i no longer use the word 'gotten.' it's amazing how much can happen in four years!

 p.s. thank you to my past self for sending me $5 to buy something from starbucks. i know myself so well. ha.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


i have a replacement for my lost passport. several hundred dollars later. thank you, u.s. department of state.

{all that fuss for a little gold embossed booklet?}

Sunday, May 13, 2012

sunday song of the day: joani mitchell.

happy mother's day to the best mopsy ever! today's sunday song of the day is dedicated to my wonderful mama. xxoo
{seaside 2011.}

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

not my passport. {three.}

now i'm really sure my cat ate my passport. i mean, realistically where else could it be? ha. time to fill out a new application.

more things that are, clearly, not my passport:

{circa 2000. i was a diehard *nsync fan.}
{clearly, not my favorite boy band. see, diehard *nsync fan.}

{i could be my mom's twin in this photo.}

{wohelo. former campfire girl. woot.}